The latest:
My Father Is Younger Than Me – It had been sixty years since I last saw him
Staring at Ophelia – I’ve been in a room with John Everett Millais’ painting for eight years
If I Were A Bell – A choice moment from Guys and Dolls
The Big Blank – I had two accidents more than twenty-five years apart, and remembered nothing from in between
Behind the Church – A surreal dilemma of religious belief. Inspired by Lionel Feininger.
These are stories that delve into what makes people good, what turns them bad, and what can rip them apart. They explore fear, elation, moral uncertainties, and situations in which right and wrong become hopelessly tangled.
There are novels: the Post-War Blues trio, set in the sleazy underside of London in the late 1940s, an era of austerity in which the struggle against old bigotries and fears continued.
There are short stories: Perversities of Faith, a collection of tales of how religion can take people’s mind to daft and dangerous places, and how some manage to find a way to break free.
There is The Art Gallery, a series of stories inspired by works of art, snapshots of the despair and joy that can be captured in images and words.
There are the Other Stories, picking through the moral ambiguities and emotional confusion of modern lives.
These are stories about what makes us tick, drives us crazy, gives us delight and can lead us onto the path of evil or towards the heights of goodness. Explore the site, enjoy the stories, then look for more.
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